Relationship Tips

Relationship Tips

Anonymous- I got a job out of Lagos and since then my relationship has been slippery, what do I do?

Me- Okay, I don't see why you relationship should be slippery if you really spelt out the future. Many say that a far distance relationship doesn't work but I tell you that it can if the two parties  wish.

Yes it might be hard for a new relationship, but if you have been together for two, three years,distance should not be a barrier.I feel that it is a training ground for the future ,if you eventually get married.If your work warrants that you go outside the state or country for years or months, you are sure of your home,in fact every man needs a woman who can control family affairs in his absence,a woman who will be strong for him;give him strength wherever he is.

So please call your girl on the phone or face to face and explain this factors to her,make her understand that you have to work for the money to keep coming.You really have to talk about this, if you really love her.

Many times distance is an issue in a relationship and it leaves me wondering why?the big question is, what if you are married to this person? are you still going to go ahead and destroy the marriage because of distance?. Except for cases of infidelity, may be the woman has trust issues with her man or the other way round,but really, trust is the bed rock of any kind of relationship, so if it is lacking in yours friend, then I think you have to redefine your relationship status and take a bow.I hope you win.

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