The Dining Table by Gbanabom Hallowell

The Dining Table by Gbanabom Hallowell


Dinner tonight comes with
gun wounds. Our desert
tongues lick the vegetable
blood—the pepper
strong enough to push scorpions
up our heads. Guests
look into the oceans of bowls
as vegetables die on their tongues.

The table
that gathers us is an island where guerillas
walk the land while crocodiles
surf. Children from Alphabeta with empty palms dine
with us; switchblades in their eyes,
silence in their voices. When the playground
 is emptied of children`s toys
who needs roadblocks? When the hour
to drink from the cup of life ticks,
cholera breaks its spell on cracked lips

Under the spilt
milk of the moon, I promise
to be a revolutionary, but my Nile, even
without tributaries comes lazy
upon its own Nile. On this
night reserved for lovers of fire, I’m
full with the catch of gun wounds, and my boots
have suddenly become too reluctant to walk me.

About the poem

The poem is basically about war which led to destruction leaving the victims in the poem with injuries, and other negative results of war.It is traceable to the 11 years of civil war in Sierra Leone the poets hometown. It was so fiece that the poet referred to its aftermath as the gathering at 'the dining table'.Though the poet talks about dinner , it turns out to be a meal of 'blood' he calls it a 'vegetable blood'.The fighters may have come together after a long day war ,but they all come feasting with 'gun wounds.


1. War and destruction
2. Suffering
3. Child soldiers
4. Violence
5. Revolution

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