Tribute to Nigeria at 58 'Fly Eagles'

Tribute to Nigeria at 58 'Fly Eagles'

Celebrating Nigeria's Independence today with this flying flag of green, white and green colours. (God bless Nigeria

Three glasses raised to cheer one of Africa's pride on its day
It has been a journey and we made it here.
I am proud to be a Nigerian, a nation with the two colours that matter.
Unity, peace, progress; we abide, hmmm! yes we abide.
I have watched from afar and seen its strength and of course maturity. We have stood the test of the world, we have become adult and ready to fly.
In case our feather gets stuck on an iroko tree, who do we call, what do we do, who do we send word to, who do we plead for help?
Wisdom we will need, creativity we will need, innovation we will need, for our feather to be safely out of the iroko trap.
Then let us not fly a cap said, you are dragging us back another said.
And I said, fly eagle fly, fly till you can reach that destination called safe, where the world will stand still to watch you build an eyries with your wings - fly eagle.

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