Hidden Light by Liberia's Abdul Kiawu

Hidden Light by Liberia's Abdul Kiawu

There's always a light waiting to shine
In the corner of a dark twisted fantasy, a light eager to glow
Waiting patiently to illumine From the hallow ground of the deepest dreams
From the depth of the ocean of motivational tears
The light is coming

From afar I see it glittering
The fragrance of inspiration can't escape my nostril A horizon of the future
Marching swiftly with knights of effulgence At last there's hope
It gets brighter when your pair of eyes closes
It sings louder than a million nightingale in the quiet night

The light is near
With it giant Trojan horse it approaches To rebuild broken dreams and unshackle us from mental bondage To put smile on the faces of the underprivileged
Oh that light we've longed for Our knight in shining armor is coming

For the days of darkness is numbered The light is just a heartbeat away
With every pounding sound of our heart a reason to fight
With every tears a calling They hear us clearly
They are here
They are us
I am the light
You are the light
We are the lightlight

Together we shine
Rewriting our story with a pen bleeding the truth
Every dream a chapter
With one voice, one heart, one pen
We are ready to shine through darkness

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