Life+health: photo credit

Creativity could mean sacrifices of time
Some have not realized those talents
Some even think they are not with any
"Look at you,so beautifully made with
Crystals, what makes you think that you
Have nothing to offer to the society?"

The society get to change according to
Situations around them,the pipes of
The ground,extracting clean nectar
For we the citizens to empty the bulb
In front of humans

Humans tend to bring out their best
In the face of ups,humility they say
Is paramount in success ,the charcoal
Could be funny in the use of positions
Filling the white with the good papers of the world.

Does it mean that the good papers
Are not good enough to make the
Dark-beautiful wrinkle in those faces
Make its way out in the thin air,
Changing those ideas of the west
Of our incapability

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