The beauty of nature

The beauty of nature

Many in Nigeria call it 'ugwu', it could also be called 'pumpkin' leaf.Homes use this for cooking soups like Egusi,ogbono,and stew.some women are addicted to its use,mostly because of itskitchen,the exclusive aroma from the que taste and nutrients.Some will use it as a replace of blood;when doctors prescribe blood transfussion for a patient.
Ugwu leaf has rich calcium and vitamin A,C and iron.Thevitamin gives good vision and freshness of the skin.Also the calcium strengthens the bones and vitamin A heals wounds easily.
In the kitchen the aroma makes you wonder the magic being done,ugwu with some onions and a pinch of salt creates aroma.
Convulsion can be cured by adding cocoanut water to some fresh slice of ugwu leaf and store in a bottle.
Maybe you can also try white soup(nsala) with ugwu leaf ,it is delicious.

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