I am married with four kids and I had a child before I got married, I don't know if I should tell my husband.

I am married with four kids and I had a child before I got married, I don't know if I should tell my husband.

Pics from: HealthyPlace.com

Anonymous- I am married with four kids and I had a child before marriage, should I tell my husband.

Me-  You got married without telling your husband who you were ,maybe scared of loosing him,but if he finds out that you had a child before he married you,he will not take it likely. Even if he loves you so much he will be so angry, that union which took you years to build will crumble in three minutes.

I think you should tell your husband, explain the situation around the birth. First you made the mistake of not telling him in the beginning, but you have to make up your mind to tell him.I know that all these years you have been living in fear,but you have to voice out now before you dig your own pit.

Men don't like to be lied to,it is better he knows the many skeletons in your cupboard while you are courting not when married, because a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage, now children are involved they will suffer it one way or the other.

So please for the sake of the future and your children tell your husband, don't take to hid the advice of those who will not be there to help mould your marriage.

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