Five secrets to a flat belly.

Five secrets to a flat belly.

It is no longer news that many people want to lose weight, especially the married women or even, Sisi.

Making a commitment to improve your health is the best way to lose those unwanted pounds .Many think that it is all about gym ,gym ,gym and various sit up and down. But no !
Try these this week:

1. You will have to eat right and not dieting( hunger strike),instead research has proven that the fat will increase the more.

2.  Curtail caffeine, for those that must drink a bottle of soft drink every time they are eating, some do this every day storing Caffeine. Drink water often not only while eating.

3.  Eat little food.Don't find your self eating a bowl of food and expect a flat Tommy/belly,no ,no ,no and a thousand times no.

4.  Eat breakfast, but light. Include vitamins.

5.  Eat small amount of complex carbohydrates for energy.

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