The many unfulfilled resolutions

The many unfulfilled resolutions

It is a new year, 2016 was great and everyone expects 2017 to be better. Many started their year writing down targets for the first quarter of the year and some others for the whole year. Beautiful, I did that too hoping to take them step by step and fulfilling them also. And some others, resolutions for the new year, but it is always easy to start but the finishing is faulty. Many plan on adjusting some habits, some also plan on stopping totally. I heard someone say that he will stop smoking, another to stop procrastination, another save more this year. I felt like that was easy to say, I wonder the plans they have to make that successful; many last year had the same resolutions and non was achieved.

With new resolutions in place this year,what were the resolutions you successfully kept last year? Check your diary and re- strategize.

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