Polygamous moon by Niyi Osundare

Polygamous moon by Niyi Osundare

A polygamous moon cannot manage
Her plague of husbands
Nodding claims stand stiff

In lunar closets, or hang limp
On the tree of a penitent wardrobe
Jealous rays unravel

The chastity of the night
Desire bathes her wrinkles

In the pitcher of a pagan milk

Night so dark, so hot
Even nouns forget their names
A retinue of adjectives plays

Clown in the courtyard of liquid shadows
Flowing back, fl owing forth
Like the robes of eating chiefs

The moon, polygamous still,
Her roster crowded with passionate longings

Her sweat scented with nameless things

Knowing not what to do with the night’s
Inky consort, and a bevy of stars
Winking coquettishly at her waiting stallions

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