Scold your man 100 times ,pamper him 200 times

Scold your man 100 times ,pamper him 200 times

So I saw a lady;not married shouting at her boyfriend and I said to myself "what will then happen if they get married.

Don't quote me wrong,I am not saying it is wrong to scold your husband or tell him the write thing to do when he is going wrong, you can even scold at the stubborn ones,but after that don't just sleep without telling him you are sorry, you need to pet or pamper him cos men love to be pampered. Pride will make u loose your man to a more caring mistress, this has been the case in many home,the men are starving of care from their wives and they find a caring lady roaming around them they soon cling to that woman. Is it that they never loved their wives emphatically no,but they are too busy and too proud to say they five words 'sorry'.

Do you find your self in this situation, just go back to your drawing board to find out what really went wrong from the start,it is not enough to pray you act,you can even pray to remember what went wrong then you start mending your net before all the fishes leave. The problem is that many start the mending too late;when your man is already too into his mistress.

It is not too late you can win

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