The Divorce (full story)

The Divorce (full story)

Foto :Women health

In where I come from people disrespect us,because kene is a disgrace to her family. She would have stayed back to mend her home,she lost everything including her children. Kene has even promised not to forgive her husband for making her pass through hell;these disrespect and segregation.

Life means living to achieve your purpose and dreams, maybe kene wished to die,because of lack of dreams and expectations; she had no dreams and maybe kene that is why she lost everything including her husband.The Divorce

As some would say 'every woman has a role to play in saving her home '.What if the man never gives the woman the chance to show her potentials as a woman ,a wife and a mother?

Kene still lives with the consciousness of a revenge; to me revenge is a killer of possibilities not a saver.Many would think that revenge solves the anger and grieve created inside the mind overtime, but it is all lies because to forget the incident ever happened gives you peace and a course to live and dream.

In Kene's case she has decided not to forget the 1997 incident in Santa Maria,where she met her ex husband.

In Kene's case she has decided not to forget the 1997 incident in Santa Maria, where she met her ex husband. He was  a man of wealth and style, with so many friends. Oliver was intelligent, smart with lots of wisdom, beautiful Kene fell in love with his personality.

I would say many should learn how to stand in love with the right person and for the right reasons not falling in love in a disadvantaged manner. Many like Kene have regretted meeting their spouses because of this kind of mistakes, often made by young women.

Kene was ready to follow Oliver anywhere he would want to go after their marriage. Oliver decided to go back to Nigeria to start up a home in the metropolitan city of Lagos.

The Lagos of the 1990s was full of fun - newly wedded couples would transfer their aboard to Lagos to fill the presence of a commercial state of excellence.

Kene ,not used to Lagos life had to get acquainted with this new life of hers without a grudge. In her first night with Oliver, Kene was scared of Oliver, he would not touch her before she screams of doubt not knowing what to expect afterwards, as it was her first time to have inter course, this time around it was a price she would pay to have her own children.

After two years of marriage, Tobechukwu was born of laughter and the whole family rejoiced over his birth,the birth of her girls was a miracle and they were named Great and Glory.These two were so much like Kene in their beauty and physical attributes of a woman.

Eight years after,the marriage had gone sore out if disdain and disrespect by the two parties. Kene was given different advice which she took,and that worsened the heat in the house.Unknown to her she had lost her place in Oliver's heart.

Kene had to live a lonely life without her husband and kids,life became miserable for her,she had to experience a void in her life once again.

Now, Kene lives a life of complain due to her state of mind,she went through sicknesses that almost took her life; the doctors had no name for the sickness as usual, that us what they would say.Nnedia, her mother has advised that she took another man as husband,to give birth to more children now that she is still young, but she would not take the advise.

Instead ,Kene has decided to search for her children- because she knows that Oliver will never want her again, this has yielded no result so far; Oliver has played his cards perfectly.

Kenechukwu,is now home with us ,living her life in dilemma. Now she dreams of that day when she will reunite with her family again.

I just pity Kene, though I don't understand what she is passing through butvi know for sure that it is definitely painful.What will you do if you were in shoes?

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