The Experience

The Experience

Pics:Ceramics and pottery art and resources

Flips of gathered notes,covers the coated floor like a new marble.Sounds from the pot belly,shakes the poor table threatening to break the cup of tea on it; its just morning.Hands close to his big rounded face down to his jaw, nodding in uniform. Its my games master,I promised to come show my games wear to him before Tony the time keeper rings the bell.I heard that Tony was given a prefect because of his closeness between his parents and our principal. Mr Jumbo was a very scary teacher, everyone in the school knew his do's and do not,he was also in charge of the disciplinary team of our school, so I don't want to step on his toe's today.Before I could take my leave ,the beast drew me back with his loud voice. I almost fainted; I was told that those who faint are equal to death itself. Ehe! he said, then I showed him my games wear,Mr Jumbo inspected with a sleepy eye,it took him close to an hour or more to check one games wear - by the time he was through the bell rang.

After my experience with Mr Jumbo, I swore not to ever disobey him again. I had a lot of things running through my mind, they were great plans unleashed. "Ada" ,my friend Chibuzo awakened me from my thought, it was time to go home. Chibuzo is a girl; let me make clear because the name is mostly for boys.She became my friend in junior secondary school three,she was the gentle type, being the noisy type I wanted to find out why she was like that,so I made her my friend. Three weeks later, I knew virtually everything about her;she was from a broken home,never knew her mum,but stayed with her dad who had another wife with three children, the wife (new) in question maltreated her and wanted her out of the house,but was opposed by Chibuzo's father.All these and many .more made her who she had become, with everything in me I tried changing her,all to no avail.

On our way home, I told Chibuzo my plan.Mr Jumbo had earlier asked me to come to his house later today; what do you think guys? he wants to take away my virtue as a wohis.When he said that,u became tired and speechless and I left his office, this in my mind and how I was going to weaken his plan .We  were told that Mr Jumbo was married and had no child so he sleep with young girls to try his luck.

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