Don't just get married, be married

Don't just get married, be married

I can't seem to understand why some people care less of what their present action could cause their future. Many people do some wrong things and they say "it's my life ,I own my life". Bla Bla Bla! 'for your information you own nothing'.Yes it feels like I am preaching but true,many lives are wasted today because of the mistakes of some people.

I say this because just today I saw a woman with her daughter and her son - tied to her back begging a food vendor for food.I have actually been seeing this woman but today I just had to post this issue.

She is married with three kids,has a family. She has slightly lost her mind (she speaks out of sense most times).Everyday she is left with three kids to cater for.The bad part is that she is left without food or money to take care of her self.She is crazy right but she is not the 'street crazy' type.Every one she sees on the street she begs - money for breakfast, lunch and even dinner. Her husband don't care ,his siblings and his parents don't even see her shadow. I got to know that she was married that way (crazy).

The thing is,why marry when you can't take care of your wife and kid.Her husband is a bricklayer - which is not a problem.His other brothers also do menial jobs.One drives a tricycle (keke-napep); his children started school in a good private school, the other brother is also a bricklayer and his wife and kids don't go hungry at all.

Sometimes in the morning I see her following her husband and she is begging for her breakfast money. And I shake my head in disappointment. My concern is the children.They are going to grow up in a family were there is no love, no food ,no rest,wrong environment. Sure it will transform them into 'the wrong' in the society.

There are many women who are not even crazy but suffer same.It is not because of lack (poverty) but the past is affecting the future. This can only happen if you choose the wrong way in life for there is only one true way.

If you know any body suffering from hate ,hunger, especially women and children please help in your own little way ;I eventually got the lady a plate of food.They are the future. Also learn to live a life that is memorable and purposeful. Shy away from wrong things. Many times, this things come back as a flash to your future.

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