How to write, prepare, and produce a documentary project from the scarch

How to write, prepare, and produce a documentary project from the scarch

In producing a documentary, videography tips, lighting tips or
interviewing tips, and scripting tips are needed.

An expository documentary is a constructive argument or detailed presentation on a particular idea, problem or an issue affecting a community.

In this paper, the various personnels and steps for achieving an expository documentary will be discussed.

Preamble (example)
A local government suffers from an erosion problem for years and has called for assistance, but the state is yet to do anything. The local government chairman now wants to produce a provocative documentary to communicate the needs of the community to the state governor.

Personnels needed for the project

1.  Authoritative voice over artist.
2.  A script writer
3.  Cameramen
4.  Lighting riggers
5.  Researchers
6.  Editors
7.  Actors (for scripted sequences/recreations)
8.  Audio recorders/editors
9.  Technical consultants.
10  Directors.
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Equipments needed for the documentary

High end Camera
Vans (for movement)
Speakers (for audibility)
StudioPRO Lighting Kit.

Step by Step organization of the main Documentary


The cost for the production of the documentary should be stated. The cost for acquiring the equipments and paying the personnels should be calculated and funds should be adequate according to what is written in the budget.


We will start with an extensive research on the subject matter; Erosion. If the subject matter is lukewarm, there are chances that the final movie will be too.
Learn everything we can about the documentary subject. Sometimes the story lines are obvious, sometimes not. We will do a lot of digging and follow leads. This is where we put on the reporter hat. Gather facts and search for leads on interesting characters and story lines, interview a hand full of people with relevant questions. The gems of story are sometimes buried deep out of sight, so, going the extra mile to create a persuasive report is all that counts.

Write the script

A script describes what the audience is seeing and and should have a persuasive tone. The use of words that can connect with the emotions since the aim of the documentary is to convince a person(s). Organize the script according to the sequence of events contained in the outlined/ proposed shoots.

Voice Recording

 After the scripting, the voice of the voiceover artist will be recorded. He/She gets familiar with the script and the storyline generally. The director is available to direct the voicing and tone needed for a particular sentence or word etc. The proper recording then commence afterwards.

Start shooting

Keep in mind how the movie will be viewed because that can dictate the shooting and storytelling style. Make sure when shooting an event to capture a variety of angles including close-ups, medium shots and wide shots. The movie should contain sights that that are captivating, the erosion prone areas, the causes of these erosions, and the aftermath effect on the community.


Once we are set with equipments, then we start putting down clips of footage one right after the other in a sequence. The art with editing is to create a "roller coaster" ride of emotions, some parts fast, some part slow to create a dynamic viewing experience. The recorded voice of the voiceover artist is also imputed accordingly as the shoots appear on the screen.


In this kind of documentary, the pictures are more than the words. Though the words are also a powerful tool to make a viewer glued to the seat, pictures activate more emotions.
The purpose of this documentary is to initiate the proper emotions in the heart of the state governor of the state and other viewers (critics), so that help would come to the community faster than usual.
With all the above steps done, the purpose will be highly achieved.



A paper presented and written by Anichebe Chinenye.

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