Ext. Int. Mr Danga's compound - Night

We see Mr Danga seated in the sitting room reading the days paper when his daughter enters with a tired face from work.

(To his daughter)
Mr Danga: sweet heart

Oreke: dad

Mr Danga: how are you today

Oreke: hmmm! Dad, very long day on traffic, the bad roads are making life stressful

Mr Danga: I can see the stress on your face my dear, just go and freshen up. When you are done we have a talk

Oreke: Dad! Talk? I need sleep not talk

Mr Danga: (sitting close to oreke now) it will be short, okay

Oreke: okay

Oreke leaves for her room to freshen up. Mr Danga remains in the sitting room reading, suddenly there is a call.

Mr Danga: (on the phone) hello, how is she, okay we will be coming later this evening okay, thank you very much doctor.

Int. Oreke's room - night

Oreke is seen in her room, coming out of the bathroom, she gets a call. Rushes to pick it up.

Oreke: (on the phone) hi

Caller: how are you today

Oreke: fine

Caller: as usual, you forgot to call me today, my birthday.

Oreke: oh! I forgot dear
Let me sing for you or let me take you out tomorrow.
Caller: interesting! You want to take me out, okay, 5pm Medal hotel, deal?

Oreke: deal

Call ends. Oreke gets ready to meet her father in the Sitting room.
She goes down to the sitting room, standing she says

Int. Sitting room. Night

Oreke: dad I am ready, but you have to be fast so I don't dose off on you leg

Mr Danga: I will make it short

Oreke sits close to her father. As her father starts his talk

Mr Danga: dear, remember aunty Mabel?

Oreke: yes dad, it has been a long time you talked about her, the last time I did you screamed at me. So, what about her?

Mr Danga: well she is coming to the house tomorrow, we will go pick her up tomorrow.

Oreke: good news, at least we will be three in this massive mansion.

Mr Danga: (silence for 5mins) very early we will be leaving.

Oreke: okay dad (with a sleepy eye) can I go now?

Mr Danga: you can

Oreke climbs up the stairs to her room.

Light out.
Light on.

Int. The caring home - morning

Oreke and Mr Danga is seen sitting in the reception, a woman comes out to usher them into another room to see the doctor.

Int. Doctor's office - morning

Doctor: good morning Mr Danga, it has been a while, I think the last time I saw you was last year. (Shaking Mr Danga)

Mr Danga: oh! Yes doctor, you were on leave the last time I was here

Doctor: I see ( looking at Oreke), is she your daughter?

Mr Danga: yes she is

Doctor: aha! She has your look

Mr Danga: (smiles)

Oreke sits on the chair, same as her father. She is silent all through the conversation.

Doctor: finally! Mr Danga, she has tried, 35 yes with us. You have also tried, the payment and welfare was excellent. Here is her discharge file, she is good to go.

Mr Danga: thank you doctor, you have really tried ( shakes hand with the doctor, as he collects the file)

Light out
Light on

Int. Mr Danga's compound(sitting) - night

Oreke is excited as she holds aunty Mabel's hands.

Oreke: aunty Mabel, your room will be very close to mine
(As they climb up the stairs)

Aunty Mabel: ( nods her head in amazement, as she admires the house after 35 yes away)

Light out
Light on

Int. Ext Mr Danga's compound - Morning

Oreke and and aunty Mabel are in the kitchen cooking. Aunty Mabel is sitting on a stool. Oreke is making breakfast for all; it is a Saturday.

Oreke: aunty did you miss home?

Aunty Mabel: sure I did, especially (she is quiet)

Oreke: aunty! You didn't even miss me ah!

Aunty Mabel: of course I did, I did (she said nodding her head)

Oreke's phone rings( she picks it up and continues to cut the onions for the eggs)

Oreke: hi

Caller: you forgot the date

Oreke: so, so sorry, I totally forgot, I and dad had to do something quite important

Caller: than the date?

Oreke: kind of, I am sorry

Caller: okay, I forgive you

Oreke: thank you, I will make it up to you ( the call ends)
Hello! Hello! Chai! ( keeps the phone on the table and continues to cut)

Aunty Mabel: who was that?

Oreke: a friend (smiles at aunty Mabel)

Aunty Mabel: where is your husband? You will be 33yrs tomorrow, and your father has no grandchild?

Oreke: (Oreke gives aunty a surprise look) aunty you've been counting even while away?

Aunty Mabel: hmmm! I am hungry hurry up, your dad will too.

Oreke: alright aunty.
Light out
Light on
Int. Mr Danga compound (dinning room) - morning

Oreke, Mr Danga, and aunty Mabel is seen the dinning eating breakfast, there is a silence as everyone eats.

Mr Danga: Oreeeke! The eggs! How did you make them, tastes so nice.

Oreke: (smiles) daddy! I just added a little thing to the normal recipe you know, it is my secret

Everyone laughs

Oreke: (looking at aunty Mabel) aunty do you like it?

Aunty Mabel: yes dear, I am sure u will reveal your secret to me later on

Oreke: haba! Aunty, I will think about that later.

Breakfast is over now, and Oreke clears the table.

Oreke: dad, aunty, I have a date so may come back late

Aunty Mabel: really! Who is he?

Oreke: I will meet him today( packing the dishes together) whenever we fix a date, something happens, so! Today I will meet him. (She leaves to the kitchen)

Aunty Mabel: okay please be careful

Oreke: I will

Aunty Mabel: what have you done to my daughter Danga? I am talking to you Danga

Mr Danga: Mabel! What do you mean

Aunty Mabel: you want to ruin my daughter? Who is that guy deceiving her, who is he?

Mr Danga: (stands and goes to the sitting room) Mabel stop it

Aunty Mabel: stop what (follows Mr Danga) stop what Danga? For 35 yes you put me away, away from the world, from my family, from my daughter ( she drops a tear) now want Oreke's life in pretence that you are a loving father.
Mr Danga: Oreke is a grown woman, what can I possibly do to stop her from getting a man of her choice, what? Listen Mabel, if you piece me off I will take you to where you belong.

Aunty Mabel: (laughs) empty treats! Empty treats Danga, you can do nothing, I know you too well, now call that guy and tell him to stop deceiving my daughter.

Mr Danga: so what makes you think I am behind the mystery man

Aunty Mabel: I don't want to repeat myself Danga

Oreke comes downstairs and there is a silence from Danga and Aunty Mabel

Oreke: i am ready! daddy how do I look?

Mr Danga: like a princess

Oreke: aunty?

Aunty Mabel: beautiful

Oreke: okay, later , bye

Light out
Light on

Ext. Int. Chicken Republic eatery - day

Oreke is sitting looking at her watch as she calls the mystery man. After some minutes he enters to meet her.

Caller/ doctor: hi!

Oreke recognises the doctor and she smiles.

Oreke: hello doctor

Caller/ doctor: how are you

Oreke: Great! , doctor I am actually waiting for someone

Caller/ doctor: oh! I think it is me

Oreke: ( surprised) sorry? I know you, the doctor in my Aunty's care place?
Caller/ doctor: yes! Aunty Mabel is actually your mum, she us for 35yrs, when my dad was still alive.

Oreke is still surprise, she is speechless

Caller/ doctor: Your mum, aunty Mabel gave me your contact, she wanted me to be close to you, and if it works out we could get married. With that she wanted to know if you were already married or not. I gave her all the feed back while she was with us.

Oreke: my dad cannot keep this from me, noooo! ( she screams).

Caller/ doctor: your mum was a treat to him in the office, so he got married to her, and when you were just 2, your mum was declared mad by your dad.

Oreke burst out in tears
Oreke: don't tell me my mother is aunty Mabel, my mother is dead.

The End.

written by Anichebe Chinenye.

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