How to write a technical feasibility report.

How to write a technical feasibility report.

A technical report is a part of a full feasibility study of a business or a product. It only gives details of how your company will deliver a particular product or service. That means your component must support your financial data.

Basic things included are:

1.)  Materials- This include the materials you will need to create a product or provide service.

2.)  Labour- The number of employees needed to run your business.

3.)  Transportation and Shipping- The local or International carriers to ship your items.
That is the means of transportation you may need or use.

4.)  Location- The location or where you run your business.

5.)  Technology- Technologies used to operate your business. Will you be making use of websites,  e-commerce platforms, social media marketing etc.

Theso are the things to consider when writing your report. Also it should have all or at least 3 of them when writing. Goodluck!

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