Healthy relationships between the youths

Healthy relationships between the youths

Adult talking to a youth 

Who is a Youth- A youth to me is a young mature child. UNICEF defines youth as a person within 15 and 24, while a child  is under the age of 14yrs. But scholars argue that instead of using age based definition, it is more accurate to focus on the social processes in the transition to adult. I think Robert Kennedy agrees with this as he says "This world demands the qualities of youth: not a temper of will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over life of ease."
This simply means that 'youth' is a stage of constructing the (self concept). This self concept is influenced by culture, peers, gender, and lifestyle. It is a time in a persons life in which they make choices that would affect their future.
This is also the stage where you start building relationships of different kind, your family, friends and a  dating partner, who eventually becomes your life partner.

What then is a healthy relationship?
A healthy relationship is when two or more people develop a deep connection towards each other, based on trust, mutual respect, good communication and a sense of fondness.

What does it mean to be in a healthy relationship?
. A healthy relationship should bring happiness, rather than stress into your life.

. Respect for sexual boundaries; if it is a sexual relationship.

. Fights help you have a healthier relationships.

. Maintain and respect each others individualty

. Maintain relationships with friends and family.

 Why are relationships important?
. It helps you live longer
. The support of a friend can provide a stress free experience in life.
. It makes you healthier (old person alone, limits the health).
. Relationships create love, and love creates relationship s.
Note: Limit your time with those who bring stress into your life, but build/ invest on a relationship that is positive.

What particular relationships should youths go into?
First, every youth should be in a good relationship with 'Self'. It is called discovery. Highly esteem yourself. Consciously teach yourself. Let self motivate you, before anyone else(parents, friends etc).
Second, Youths should be involved with positive people. Those that dream big(they believe in your dream).
Relationship is all about change and learning that is why it matters who you roll with.

Consequences of a bad relationship-:
. Emotional breakdown
. leaving home
. Loss of self esteem.
. loss of dreams by peer pressures etc
Health risks include:
.Contact of (STI) sexually transmitted infection
. Unwanted Pregnancy.
. Sexual Abuse

As a youth;
- Don't go into anything because your friend or friends friend did or to feel among. Be yourself (improve on self esteem)..
- Remember your are going to be a parent, so be who you want your children to be so that you will be a proud parent.
I will end with this quote and a food for thought,
 Thank u
Compiled by Anichebe Chinenye

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