Foto:women health
In where I come from people disrespect us,because kene is a disgrace to her family. She would have stayed back to mend her home,she lost everything including her children. Kene has even promised not to forgive her husband for making her pass through hell;these disrespect and segregation.
Life means living to achieve your purpose and dreams, maybe kene wished to die,because of lack of dreams and expectations; she had no dreams and maybe kene that is why she lost everything including her husband.The Divorce
As some would say 'every woman has a role to play in saving her home '.What if the man never gives the woman the chance to show her potentials as a woman ,a wife and a mother?
Kene still lives with the consciousness of a revenge; to me revenge is a killer of possibilities not a saver.Many would think that revenge solves the anger and grieve created inside the mind overtime, but it is all lies because to forget the incident ever happened gives you peace and a course to live and dream.
In Kene's case she has decided not to forget the 1997 incident in Santa Maria,where she met her ex husband.
To be continued