Weight loss: Simple weight loss routine

Weight loss: Simple weight loss routine

Pics: A woman measuring her belly with a tape rule.

When you eat once a day and you are on a weight loss journey, sorry to disappoint you dear, you are on a weight gain journey 100%.

This days the whole world is watching their weight, they are trying all the proposed routine by a friend or an uncle just for one goal, to reduce in size and weight and probably look like a celebrity crush or model; yes their always celebrities. This thing goes for both guys and girls oh. The girl wants a flat tommy and slim arms while the guy wants flat tommy also and create a once invisible 'six packs. Well, some do it for the glam, others do it to be fit and to look hot on a dress or that fine suit.

As I said earlier starving your self will not make you slim oh, underline this now. Reason being that the more our body is deprived of food, the more it conspires to store fat and lean our muscle tissues. That means that our  bodies stores calories in form of fat to help us survive during the times of starvation.  So, those starvation diet you do burns away muscles, creating the greatest enemy, flabs.

In fact, for each pound of muscle you gain, your body burns up to 50 extra calories a day, which is impressive. On the other hand, it takes 3500 calories to build a pound if fat.

That is why you are advised to eat at least 6 times a day. I know you are shouting right now, " This doesn’t work? How can I eat 6 times"?

Yes it is possible and it works. You should dish out your food in bits 6 times. If you break it into 6, you will be getting a steady stream of fuel through out the day, to balance what your body is doing. That means that as you burn calories throughout the day by exercise, walking, jumping up and down- the calories that you ingest, will stay within similar calories that you burn. That's it, never having too much calories and not starved for more.

You can schedule your eating time as follows:

Breakfast - 8am
Snack - 11am
Lunch - 1pm
Snack - 4pm
Dinner  - 6pm
Snack -  8pm.

The above may look weird but it works. As you can see that it allows you eat the larger food and the then the light ones. If you eat like this you will hardly get hungry,  tired or cranky.

At the end of the day what I am saying is, Less food equals less muscles and then More flab, but more food equals more muscles  and less flab. Choose the equation you like more and try it.

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