Depression: Basic facts about Depression.

Depression: Basic facts about Depression.

Pics: A man sitting at the walkway 
Depression is not only when you don't feel the need to live on earth, depression is actually a sickness. It may be described as feelings of sadness, or anger that interfere with a persons everyday activities, but it s considered a serious medical condition.

Depression can be referred to as mood swing but at the same time called mood disorder that causes persistent sadness and loss of interest that eventually leads to suicide.

According to world health organization, depression is the most common illness in the world wide and leading cause of disability. More than 350 million people are affected by depression globally and close to 800, 000 people die due to suicide which is the end product of depression if not treated. Centers for disease control and prevention also notes that 7.6% of people over the age of 12 have depression in any two weeks period.

There are a number of factors that may increase the chance of some one falling into depression, these includes;

1.)  Abuse: This could either be that a person is suffering from sexual abuse, physical or emotional abuse which keeps the person in deep thoughts or absentminded.

2.)  Certain Medications: Some drugs, such as isotretinoin which is used to treat acne, antiviral drug interferon- alpha, and corticosteroids, can increase the risk of depression; many take these drugs not knowing this effect.

3.)  Conflict: Depression can also come from someone that has personal conflicts or disputes with family members or friend. Also when there is loss of a loved one, the sadness or grief from the death, though natural, but may increase the risk of depression.

Sometimes, depression coexists with a major illness or maybe triggered by another medical condition, including surgery after effect which is due to drugs administered. Even getting a job, being overwhelmed by the job and life or loosing the job, often leads to depression especially when this job had become your best friend and family to you, relieving you of your social attributes.

Scientists have found out that the stress hormone cortisol is produced in excess in depressed people. They believe that cortisol has a toxic or shrinking effect on the development of hippocampus which is smaller in people with the history of depression.

There are various symptoms of depression, it includes depressed mood, reduced interest or pleasure in activities previously enjoyed, loss of sexual desire, unintentional weight loss without dieting or low appetite. The person will have difficulty in sleeping or begins to sleep too much, restlessness, pacing up and down, speech slowed, loss of energy, feeling of worthlessness or guilt, inability to think, concentrate or make decisions.

Other symptoms include, recurrent thoughts of death or suicide or attempt at suicide, lost in thoughts, feelings of tearfulness and panic attacks etc.

Everyone goes through times of deep sadness and grief which ends in few days, but profound sadness that lasts for more than two weeks may need a medical attention, depending on the type of depression. Depression are of various types, for example,

1.)  Major depression or Unipolar depression is common in about 16.2 million adults in the USA. A person suffering from this kind may have the best family, best job, tons of friends, but may still experience it for months or all his life, causing damage in relationships and daily activities.
2.)  Another one is Persistent depression which lasts for two years or more. It is also called chronic depression or dysthymia. This kind may lead to memory problem, inability to feel joy and malfunctioning at school or work.
3.)  Manic depression or bipolar disorder is where you feel very happy, alternating with episodes of depression that lasts for seven days or less if hospitalization is required. Symptoms include, increased self-esteem, grandiose thinking, racing thoughts and high energy. Some episodes may include hallucinations and delusions.
4.)  Depressive Psychosis is when some people go through periods where they loose touch with reality. It may include Hallucinations; where you see, hear, smell, tast or feel things that aren't really there.
5.)  Perinatal depression occurs in women during pregnancy or within four weeks of child birth. It is often called postpartum depression which is after bitrth only. The hormonal changes during these period in a woman's life usually triggers changes in the brain that leads to mood swings.
6.)  Premenstrual Dysphoric disorder is believed to be related to hormonal changes in the body of a woman during the days leading up to her period or during the actual menstrual days. Its symptoms often begin just after ovulation and start to ease up once you get your period. Symptoms like cramps, joint and muscle pain, food cravings etc are related to Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD).
Seasonal depression occurs with seasonal patterns, for some during winter for others spring etc

Others include, Situational Depression which comes with difficulty to adjust to some specific events in one's life. This tend to start three weeks after the event. Finally, Atypical Depression comes with disordered eating, leading to a poor body image and then feelings of rejection.

Depression should not be underemphasized, neither should it be overemphasized. The good news is that it has a cure; it is a treatable condition and many people experience full recovery, but keep in mind that the recovery takes time.

However, the two most common type of treatment for depression are Antidepressant medication and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Antidepressants medications changes the chemical and electrical messages in the brain. They improve mood, energy level, anxiety problems, sleep, concentration, appetite, aches and pains. Antidepressants are not addictive or habit forming, but takes 4-6 weeks to make you feel better. Types of Antidepressant medication are Tricyclics like, Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline or Trazodone. Another one is Serotonin, selective Reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) these include Sertraline (Zoloft), Panoxetin (Paxil) and Flouxitine (Prozac).

The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help improve relationships , manage stress, and increase positive thinking and pleasant activities. CBT is basically short term but at the end of the therapy it helps the change distributidistributing thought pattern.

Experiencing one episode of depression raises the risk of suffering another episode, but actions can be taken to lower the risk of future episodes. First, it is important to follow your treatment plan to complete it, including the therapy sessions. Secondly, it is also important to be aware of your body changes or signs in mood fluctuations so that you can ask for an early help from a health practitioner. The goal is actually to take actions before symptoms seriously affect your life.

Depression is a fast killer, and has killed people unknowingly in the past, so it is important to note the symptoms fast enough for early treatment. Life should be lived in joy not in pain, so endeavor to live a stressfree life consciously.

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