6 easy ways to make your hair soft

6 easy ways to make your hair soft

There is a foremost saying that the beauty of a woman is in her hair and it is actually very true. Imagine a woman with an unkept hair talking to you or even selling something to you, you will obviously ignore her because of her look.

An unkept hair is usually very dirty and smelly;  no one wants to stand beside or speak with a woman with such hair. That is why in our day many women have realized that and now invest 100% on their hair against the 50% they managed on their hair before. Even men are not left behind,  they even pamper their hair like eggs. Well you won't blame them, their own beauty is also in their hair.

In caring for your hair it is important to know the easy ways to make your hair soft; this is the challenge many people face when it comes to caring for the hair.

First you need to understand your kind of hair or type to know the kind of product that will fit your hair. Your hair is like a human, so it's also important to give attention to it, I mean listen to the yearnings of your hair and act accordingly.  For example, many people may use a particular kind of product on their hair and it works perfectly for their hair, but when you use it, it does otherwise. When this happens, it is advised to desist from using that product and move to another, until you find the perfect product for you.

The following are the easy steps you can take to make your hair soft:

1.) Use water on your hair, your hair loves moisture. Add water in a spray bottle and spray on your hair.

2.) Section the hair. You may choose to use your hand or the tip of a comb to section it accordingly.

3.) After sectioning the hair,  apply oil to the hair, tip of the hair and in the root. There are various kind of oil that people use. Try carrot oil, coconut oil, palm kernel old,  Shea Butter oil and avocado oil, and then choose the one that is better for your hair- depending on the after effect.

4.) After oiling, then detangle the hair. To detangle is when you consciously remove the tangled region of your hair with hand or a wide tooth comb. It is better to start with your hand and then move to using a comb. First, gently start from the tip of the hair and then to the root, to avoid breakage.

5.) Then wash your hair. Wash with a shampoo that sooths your hair, not just any. Preferably one with oil or you can make use of traditional black soap. It is advised to use this kind of shampoo so that the natural nutrients in your hair will be retained when you wash and at the same time remain moist.

6.) Finally, deep condition. To deep condition, you need to section the hair first of all, then apply your leave in conditioner- this type doesn't need washing. You can decide to prepare a home made conditioner, using avocado, Shea Butter,  egg, honey and other raw materials. Apply it slowly to your already sectioned hair. According to how high or low your hair porosity is, you use that to know if you need to plait your hair in singles to apply the conditioner or apply like that. After applying cover the hair with a thick cloth, nylon or scalf for 20mins.  Comb your hair after 20mins, and experience the beauty of your hair.

At the end of the day, it is important to know your hair and understand it, treat it like a growing baby. Test, test and test different products to determine the best one for your hair.
Note: These routine also applies to men who want to keep a long and soft hair.

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